Jefferson County Historical Society

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Louis J. Rozier, superintendent and secretary of the Valle Mining Company, 
of Jefferson County, is a native of Ste. Genevieve, Mo., and was born in 
1852.  His father, Felix Rozier, is of French descent, and was born in 
Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., in 1820; he has always resided in his native 
county, and has been interested in developing the natural resources of 
Southeastern Missouri for many years.  He is president of the Valle Mining 
Company, which company carries a stock of $200,000, and does a large 
business; the mines are located nine miles southeast of De Soto, comprising 
a tract of 5,000 acres, 2,200 of which are in Jefferson County, and the 
remainder in St. Francois County.  Felix Rozier is one of the influential 
men in the mining circles of Missouri, and is held in high esteem. He 
married Miss Louise, daughter of Batise Valle, one of the oldest French 
settlers of Ste. Genevieve County, who discovered the mine which now bears 
his name.  Mrs. Rozier was born in Ste. Genevieve County, in 1828, and is 
the mother of ten children, only five of whom are living: Louise, wife of 
John L. Boviere, of Ste. Genevieve; Louis J., Cora, Edwin J. and Odiel.  
After completing his education Louis J. Rozier commenced work at the mines, 
in the capacity of clerk and general assistant in various departments. 
July 1, 1874, he was made superintendent of the mines, and in August, 1884, 
was elected secretary of the same, holding both positions to the present 
time. He is an energetic business man, and has the well merited esteem of 
his associates.  In September, 1874 he married Miss Harriet Cole, daughter
of Salathiel and Mary Ann Cole.  Mrs. Rozier was born in Jefferson County in 
1854.  To this union six children have been born, four of whom are now living, 
viz.: Joseph, Paul V., Adele and Lucile.  Mr. Rozier has been a resident of 
De Soto for the past two years, and in 1887 erected a large frame dwelling 
house, in the Queen Anne style, at a cost of $4,500, which is one of the 
finest residences in the place. He is a member of the Legion of Honor, the 
Knights of Pythias, A.O.U.W. and Royal Arcanum.  In politics he votes with 
the Democrats.  He and wife were reared in the Roman Catholic faith.